Please login or register to shorten links
Short link format
From 4 to 5 characters in a shortened link after slash /
Only human-readable characters
The shortened link uses only characters a-z, A-Z, and the numbers 2 to 9
Statistics, widgets, QR code
Exdended statistics, embeddable widgets for webpages, QR code generator
Time limit for the link
Customers can set end date for redirect
Premiere countdown timer
Customers can set start date for redirect with a countdown timer
NEW FEATURE! Webchecker pings your websites
Customers can check if their webpages are down, and receive notification to Telegram or Email
'Customer' users (by subscription*)
- Shorter link format up to 3 characters
- Extended browser and OS Information, what site or account did the user come from
- Embeddable screenshot of the site that the user goes to via the link
- Setting the date and time of the beginning / end of the availability of the link
- The ability to link ads to click on the link
- More than 5 records for Webchecker feature to ping websites
*subscription is agreed with the administrator by email,
the cost is approximately two cups of coffee.
payment - registration forever.